*If you are going to dare to imagine and pursue the dreams God has for your life, if you're going to create the life of your dreams you have to be willing and ready to change.
*To enjoy life is a sacred act of worship
*When your potential is limited by who you are, of course you have limitations. When your potential is measured by whom you serve, your potential is unlimited. This applies in relation to God and to people. When you live your life serving God and others, the sky is the limit.
*Dreaming with your eyes open is about living life to the fullest and enjoying God and having him enjoy you. It's about getting God into your soul, you rheart, and your head, and letting him show you the dreams and plans he has for your life. When an infinite God comes to dwell in a finite being, dangerously beautiful things begin to happen. it is here where you become indomitable. The fire within you becomes an eternal flame that cannot be put out.
*I think a lot of our prayers make God wonder why we think so little of him. I can just imagine God looking at us and asking us, "What do you want?" Then he shakes his head and thinks, if I could just get you to believe more, to care more, to want more than you're asking for.
*Be careful getting too close to God; you may not be here tomorrow. This world may just become too small for your dreams.
*Sometimes God does so much in our lives that when he wants to work in a new way we resist, ironically, because we have becomed so attached to all he has brought to us. What can happen is that the things God has blessed us become an anchor that keeps us grounded ashore than launching us into his dream for us.
*Part of dilemma of believing in God is that you can actually begin to act like you are God. You're always right, never wrong. The way you do everything is the way everyone should do it. Many of us end up being convinced that when somebody does something different than we do it, says something different than we do, when anyone approaches life in any way different than we do, then that person is absolutely in the wrong. Adn we are convinced tat our perspective & God's perspective are exactly the same thing.
*Creating the life of your dreams is about learning a life of security and certainty andexpecting more from the life that God created you to live. Are we willing to give up all things we have right now to be able to obtain that which God longs for us tomorrow?
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