Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Other Communions of Jesus

*If the people meet together in the name of Jesus and thus in his presence, with the facts of the good news inspiring their heart to worship and praise, whatever food & drink they share will be Holy Communion

*Christians are so inclined to think themselves as the 'do-gooders', the strong ones who help others in their need. So often representatives of the church minister from a position of superiority, conveying a spirit of condescension that spoils everything. Jesus did not begin the conversation at the well by saying, "Now what I can do to help you, my dear? What's your problem?" He said, "Give me a drink", and immediately the barriers were down.

*It was people's mistake not that they were expecting too much of Jesus. They were expecting too little.

*On the basis of taking together all the communion services recounted in the gospels, only a fully open communion is possible. Any attempt to restrict the list of guests at a meal hosted by Jesus contradicts the host's intention. Those eating & drinking then do so in an unworthy manner and debase, even invalidate the communion.

*Jesus in choosing his disciples seems to have gone for a typical cross section of humanity rather than a selection of the more suitable candidates. This is so far from our practice of selecting people for key positions in the church that is difficult for us to comprehend. Hurdles are set up to eliminate unsuitable candidates from the Christian ministry. Jesus still want them, they are told, but please will they look for some other avenue for the service. But the objective of Jesus was to redeem humanity in total, as it is, not a carefully selected example.

*Jesus practicing on many occasions of forcign a decision either for or against him. Jesus has more respect for the person who decisively rejects him than fr the one who vacillates or wants to have it both ways.

*On the basis of taking together all the communion services recounted in the Gospels, only a fully open communion is possible. Any attempt to restrict the list of guest at a meal hosted by Jesus contradicts the host's intention. Those eating and drinking then do so in an unworthy manner and debase , even invalidate the communion

(Other Communions of Jesus: Eating & Drinking The Good News Way - John Henson)