Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Service - True vs Self-Righteous Service

Self-righteous Service:

-comes trough human effort
-expends immense amounts of energy calculating & scheming how to render the service
-concerned to make impressive gains on ecclesiastical scoreboards
-require external rewards
-seeks human applause
-highly concerned about results
-picks ad chooses whom to serve
-affected by moods and whims - can serve on ly when there is a 'feeling' to serve
-temporary - it functions only while the specific acts of service are being performed
-insensitive - insist on meeting the need even when to do so would be destrucive
-fractures community - centres in the glorification of the individual

True Service:

-comes from a relationship with the divine other deep inside
-finds it almost impossible to distinguish the small from the large service
-rest contented in hiddenness (does not fear the lights of attention, but does not seek them either)
-free of the need need to calculate results (delights only in the service)
-indiscriminate in its ministry (serves all)
-minister simply & faithfully because there is a need (disciplines the feeling)
-is a lifestyle - acts from ingrained patterns of living
-springs spontaneously to meet human needs
-can withhold the service as freely as perform it
-builds community (draws, bind, heals ,build)
-quietly & unpretentiously goes about caring for the needs of others

[Richard Foster, Celebration of Discipline]