A guy called Morgan Spurlock did the experiment, using himself for the test. or one mth consequently, he took nothing but McD for all his meals. The movie title came from the idea that, he must super-size(order the large size) the meal whenever asked.
Before the experiment, he's a quite fit guy. After a mth, he's having all kind of sick feeling, which includes depression, decrease in his sexual performance etc. At the end of experiment, he was being diagnosed with irreversible liver damage, possible chances of heart attack. Luckily he's girl friend, who is a vegan, save him with her own detox diet, bringing back his weight prior the experiment.
Respect this guy for doing such an experiment. Quite a cool movie written, directed and produced by himself. This 2004 film is an academy award nominee for best documentary.
(Rating: 88/100)
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