Sunday, August 3, 2008

On Serving God - Warren W. Wiersbe

This book(On Being A Servant of God) by Wiersbe focus on the whole areas on serving God. Wiersbe really write straight to the point...This is the book you must read, especially those serving God/planning to do so. The major point that he stressed is, whatever you did, only the name of God should be glorified, and not us.

As usual, some quotations to share with:
*Once you accept yourself as a distributor of God's riches ad not a manufacturer, you will experience a wonderful new freedom and joy in service. You won't be afraid of new challenges because you know God has the resources to meet them. You won't be frustrated trying to manufacture everything needed to get the job done; and when God bless your work, you won't be tempted to take the credit.

*The next time people failed you and you feel like you've failed, go to the mount and ask God to show you his glory. Don't focus on yourself or the people you serve; focus on God and his glory. Before long, you'll get the perspective God wants you to have, and you'll get ready to do what He wants you to do.

*Focus on serving the Lord can make a big difference in your ministry. For one thing, you will be motivated to do your work and not look for excuses. If you serve only to earn a salary, you will never do your best as long as you think you're underpaid. If you minister to get recognition, you will start doing less when people don't show their appreciation.

*Ministry isn't easy, but you make it more difficult for yourself if you serve people instead of the Lord Jesus Christ. You can't please everybody, so don't even try. Just live and work in such a way that your master will be able to say,"You're my beloved servant in whom I can well pleased".

*When the people we serve irritate us or disappoint us, the first thing we usually do is pray for them and tell the Lord to change them. What we ought to do first is pray for ourselves and ask God to increase our love.

*Ministry takes place when divine resources meet human needs through loving channels to the glory of God.

*Something else happens when you put Jesus Christ first in your ministry: you stop watching other Christians and passing judgement on what they do or what God does with them. People watching is a popular pastime among Christian workers, but it's a dangerous one. If you keep your eyes on faith on Christ and seek to please him alone, you won't have either the time or desire to watch others.

*God often allows problem people to come into your life so that you'll learn to depend more on His power and not your own resources.

*Keep in mind that while you're serving others, the Lord is serving you. He's working with you on earth (Matt 16:20) and equipping you from heaven. No matter how painful or disappointing your service may seem to you, it's not being wasted. God is building your character while he is building His church, and what He does will last forever.

*Keeping in mind that the Lord is the final judge of our service helps sets us free from the fear of people and desire to please them at the expense of pleasing God. We can't please everybody, nor should we try. Our aims should be to walk ans to please God.(1 Thess 4:1) My experience is that God is easier to pleased then most people: He knows us intimately, He loves us perfectly, and therefore He can evaluate our work accurately.

*No matter what task God has called you to do, always remember that your ministry touches a whole world if you are trully serving the Lord. You may not see how God is using your ministry, but that's not important. You may think that your place in His vineyard is a small one, but it isn't

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