Friday, March 21, 2008

Prayer by Sittser

hmmm..prayer. we pray everyday. Many people pray when want/need something. Some of them pray to an object, some of them communicating to God. But not everything that we asked for will be answered in the way we wanted it to be. Just read a book by Jerry Sittser. He covered quite an area of praying...

*The point of prayer, after all, is the relationship itself, not the things we get from the relationship.

*Strange as it may sound, we need unanswered prayer. It is God's gift to us because it protects us from ourselves. If all our prayers were answered, we would only abuse the power. We would use prayer to change the world to our liking, and it would become hell on earth.

*Prayer is never rejected so long as we do not cease to pray. The chief failure of prayer is its cessation.

*If answers to prayer came too easily, we would lose interest, not only in prayer, but also in God.

*The reason why we don't pray more - and probably don't see more answers to prayer, is because we don't know how to pray but because we don't really need to pray. We are not desperate enough

*Our prideful prayers put God into a dilemma - if he fails to answer our prayers, God appears mean and distant; if he answers our prayer, we end up worse of than before.

*Like all means to power, prayer too is subject to abuse. Our prayers can become selfish and mean and petty. God therefore shows us mercy by not answering all our prayers, we would become corrupt beyond measure, praying as if prayer was like a credit card with no limits.

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