Friday, October 26, 2007

Tips for Eating Sushi

Eating Sushi like a pro:
1. Try practising with chopsticks at home - but if you can't master it, it's not the worst thing to abandon then and use your fingers.

2. Pour soy sauce into the saucer provided. Mix in a pea-size amount of wasabi. Add more according to taste.

3. Pickled ginger is a palate cleanser, not a garnish. Eat a slice between different types of sushi.

4. When eating a nigiri(rice topped with fish, meat or vegetables) dip the topping side into the soy. Rice soak up too much soy, which can overpower the other subtle flavours.

5. Sushi should land in the mouth fish-side down for maximum taste - your tongue warms the fish so you don't just taste the rice.

6. Do eat a whole piece in one go - breaking it apart tends to end in a messy collapse.

(by Maya Heart from Japanese eatery Yo! Sushi)

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